Important's Of  WHEY PROTEIN

  • Not all protein is created equal.

Some forms of protein, such as whey, are better than others.

- Whey protein contains an incredible range of essential amino acids, which are absorbed quickly.

- Numerous studies show that it can help you increase strength, gain muscle and lose significant amounts of body fat.

- However… whey is more than just protein. There are tons of other nutrients in there, some with potent biological effects.

- Whey protein has also been shown to have benefits for depression, blood pressure, blood sugar and even helping to treat symptoms of HIV and cancer.

- In fact, it is one of the best studied supplements in the world.

  • What is Whey Protein?

Whey protein is a mixture of proteins isolated from whey. Whey is the liquid part of milk that separates during cheese production.

- Milk actually contains two main types of protein. casein (80%) and whey (20%).

- Whey is found in the watery portion of milk. When cheese is produced, the fatty parts of the milk coagulate and the whey is separated from it as a by-product.

- If you’ve ever opened a yogurt container to see liquid floating on top, this is whey. Cheese makers used to discard it before they discovered its commercial value.

- After being separated during cheese production, whey goes through a series of processing steps to become what people generally recognize as whey protein… a powder that is added to shakes, meal replacements and protein bars.

- Whey protein doesn’t taste very good on its own, which is why it is usually flavoured. Chocolate, vanilla and strawberry flavored powders are popular.

- It’s important that you read the ingredients list, because some of them can have unhealthy additives like refined sugar.

- Taking whey protein is a convenient way to add 25-50 grams of protein on top of your daily intake. This can be important for bodybuilders and gym enthusiasts, as well as people who need to lose weight or are simply lacking protein in their diet.

- Most flavored whey proteins are also pretty delicious and can be used to make healthy recipes (like smoothies) taste incredibly good.

  • Whey Protein Supplements Can Help Boost Your Protein and BCAA Intake

- Proteins are the main building blocks of the human body.

- They’re used to make various important things, both large and small.

- This includes tendons, organs and skin. as well as Hormones, enzymes, neurotransmitters and all sorts of tiny molecules.

- Proteins are also the building blocks of the contractile elements in muscle.

- Proteins are assembled from amino acids, smaller molecules that are linked together like beads on a string.

- Some amino acids are produced by the body’s cells, while others must be gotten from foods. The ones that we must get from foods are termed “essential” amino acids.

  • Types of Whey Protein: Concentrate vs Isolate vs Hydrolysate

Concentrate: About 70-80% protein. Contains some lactose (milk sugar) and fat, and has the best flavour.

Isolate: 90% protein, or higher. Contains less lactose and fat, and is missing a lot of the beneficial nutrients found in whey protein concentrate.

Hydrolysate: Also known as hydrolyzed whey, this type has been pre-digested so that it gets absorbed faster. It causes a 28-43% greater spike in insulin levels than isolate.

  • Effects of Whey Supplementation on Muscle Mass and Strength

Building Blocks: It provides protein and amino acids, which serve as building blocks for increased muscle growth.

Hormones: It increases release of anabolic hormones that can stimulate muscle growth, such as Insulin (13).

Leucine: It is high in the amino acid Leucine, which is known to stimulate muscle protein synthesis at the molecular and genetic level (14, 15).

Fast Absorption: Whey protein is absorbed and utilized very quickly compared to other types of protein (16).

  • Whey Protein Improves Satiety and May Help Weight Loss

- It is well known that protein can help with weight loss.

- It is the most fulfilling macronutrient, by far (30).

- Protein can boost metabolism by 80 to 100 calories per day, and make people automatically eat up to 441 fewer calories per day (31, 32, 33, 34).

- In one study, eating protein at 25% of calories cut cravings by 60%, and reduced the desire for late-time snacking by half (35).

- Taking whey protein is a great way to increase your protein intake, which should have major benefits for weight loss.

  • Other Health Benefits of Whey Protein

- Whey is more than just a high quality protein source, it also contains other beneficial nutrients.

- This includes lactoferrin, beta-lactoglobulin, alpha-lactalbumin and immunoglobulins (39).

- Beyond just muscle, strength and leanness, whey protein can provide numerous other health benefits.

- This includes lowering blood pressure, blood sugar and reducing symptoms of stress and depression (40, 41, 42, 43).Other Health Benefits of Whey Protein

  • Dosage and Side Effects

- A commonly recommended dosage is 1-2 scoops (around 25-50 grams) per day, usually after workouts.

- It is recommended that you follow the serving instructions on the packaging.

- Keep in mind that if your protein intake is already high, adding whey protein on top of your current intake may be completely unnecessary.

- Despite concerns about protein causing kidney damage and contributing to osteoporosis, this is not true.

- In fact, protein has been shown to protect against osteoporosis, while having no impact on healthy kidneys (57, 58, 59, 60).

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